Home arrow Writing Tips arrow Avoid clichés like the plaque (it’s as easy as pie)
Avoid clichés like the plaque (it’s as easy as pie)
Avoid clichés like the plaque (it’s as easy as pie)

Nothing gets me spitting chips and pulling my hair out faster than that old chestnut, the cliché.

It’s as easy as ABC for a cliché to sneak in like a thief in the night while your back is turned. Before you know it, they’re crammed in like sardines as far as the eye can see.

They make me see red till I’m blue in the face.

Don’t bury your head in the sand like a stick in the mud. Face up to the fact that clichés are a thorn in your side and weed them out lock stock and barrel.

Strike while the iron is hot. Don’t let the grass is grow under your feet or in the wink of an eye, you won’t see the forest for the trees. Leave no stone unturned - don’t let any fall through the cracks.

If you keep your eyes peeled and your nose to the grindstone, those pesky clichés will disappear like a puff of smoke into thin air.

At the end of the day, you must avoid clichés like the plague in any way, shape or form because frankly my dear, some things are better left unsaid.
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