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What is Anna the Goanna?
Anna the Goanna is a collection of poems celebrating the every-day lives of Australian Aboriginal children who live on remote communities.

What age group is it aimed at?

Most poems  particularly appeal to mid-primary-aged children but younger children gain great pleasure from the rhythm and fun of Five Little Lizards and Hats High.

Yo bro
Don't you know
Hats go high
And boots go low...

My neices chanted this poem for weeks on end!

Why was this book written?

As a teacher on remote communities, my constant frustration was a lack of relevant reading material. The Indigenous children in my class did not relate to stories about rosy-cheeked white children attending birthday parties and having pet parades. More than that, it didn't seem fair or right that Aboriginal kids had little access to stories about their own lives. I wanted to be able to teach literacy through stories that celebrated and affirmed my students' every-day experiences.

I'm pleased to say that Anna the Goanna is a runaway hit with Indigenous kids Australia-wide! In fact, it's now availabe as a reprint edition in paperback.

How is it illustrated?
Beautifully! The watercolour illustrations are by Jenny Taylor - a talented artist from Alice Springs. Her illustrations demonstrate flair, sensitivity, humour and authenticity.

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