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Totally secret stuff about Jill (ssshhh)



What's the best thing about being a writer?

 You can wear slippers to work and watch a lot of afternoon TV.

What's the worst thing about being a writer?

Afternoon TV is mostly ads.

What was your favourite book as a child?

There was one book I read over and over. It was about a bear called Winnie the Loo or Minnie the Poo or ...   was it Vinnie? Anyway it was a very funny book with a little boy and a donkey and a piglet. Or maybe a chicken.

Where do your ideas come from?

This place I know called Ideas-R-Us. They sometimes have specials for $19.95.

No but seriously. A Famous Writer (not me) said that ideas are found all over the place like leaves. So I hang out under trees a lot. Does that help?

Not really but thanks anyway.

Who would you most like to meet?

I'd like to meet Captain Underpants but he's not a real person. I'd also like to meet the Incredible Hulk but he's not real either. I guess everyone I'd like to meet is unreal.

What is your latest book about?

I'm working on a fantasy about a boy called Hairy Blotter who has a thundercloud on his nose. He goes to a boarding school for wizards and fights battles against The Evil One. Of course I'll have to change the beginning and the middle and get some different characters in case anyone guesses I stole this idea from someone else. Hmm ... maybe I'll change his name to Vinnie the Pooh.

What did you want to be when you grew up?


What is your favourite joke?

How do you keep an idiot guessing?

I don't know.

Tell ya later. ☺

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Yes. I am not, and never have been a sausage roll.

To see a real photo of Jill McDougall, click here. To see an unreal photo, click here .


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